MycoKey : the species Ascocoryne sarcoides

Generic short diagnoses: Solitary or fasciculate, gelatinous, mostly lilac to purple, inoperculate discomycetes on wood or stems, with 0-5-septate spores, which in some species form secondary spores.

Ascocoryne sarcoides - DK: rødlilla sejskive, UK: Purple Jellydisc

Ascocoryne sarcoides , rødlilla sejskive, Purple Jellydisc, søskenfiolbeger, violett geléskål, Pårse knoopzwam, Fleischroter Gallertbecher, Ascocoryne charnue
Illustration and © Jens H. Petersen
Denmark, JHP-04.202
Ascocoryne sarcoides , rødlilla sejskive, Purple Jellydisc, søskenfiolbeger, violett geléskål, Pårse knoopzwam, Fleischroter Gallertbecher, Ascocoryne charnue
Illustration and © Morten Christensen
Denmark, MC99-150
Ascocoryne sarcoides , rødlilla sejskive, Purple Jellydisc, søskenfiolbeger, violett geléskål, Pårse knoopzwam, Fleischroter Gallertbecher, Ascocoryne charnue
Illustration and © Jens H. Petersen
Denmark, JHP-01.429
Ascocoryne sarcoides , rødlilla sejskive, Purple Jellydisc, søskenfiolbeger, violett geléskål, Pårse knoopzwam, Fleischroter Gallertbecher, Ascocoryne charnue
spores*, germinating spores* // anamorf
Illustration and © Hans-Otto Baral
Germany, HB 6501

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